Communication challenges of the civil organization of Abaúj


  • Rita Gulyásné Kerekes University of Miskolc


nonprofit, civil, marketingcommunication


As being one of the participants of non-profit marketing, civil organisations face communication challenges similar to those of profit-oriented sectors, but to solve these problems they have got by far more moderate resources and are out of managerial skills in most cases.

After elaborating the theoretical frames of social marketing, based on the results of an empirical research – a series of deep interviews-, this study strives to give a useful overview and tool for civil organisations to organise their communication activities even more efficiently and more impressively.

In the meantime, we have to identify who our target audiences are, what the main communication contents are, what our potential means are and what is more, we have to examine whether we can or should speak about integrated communication in the cases of different target audiences and whether the communication contents should differ or not.

Though finding sources eats up human resources at most organisations, communication toward the supported issue and the target audience is as important as persuasion of the staff and the volunteers.

Author Biography

Rita Gulyásné Kerekes, University of Miskolc

PhD, Associate professor, Faculty of Economics, Institute of Marketing


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How to Cite

Gulyásné Kerekes, R. (2024). Communication challenges of the civil organization of Abaúj. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 11(01), 41–51. Retrieved from