The economic development opportunities in Heves micro-region
entreprises, tourism based on natural values, disadvantaged subregionAbstract
To promote the internal tourism market became essential objective of Hungary. Beside the role of the capital - as destination - it is necessary to develop the rural possibilities, save their values, and promote their attractions. This purpose is very important because it can mean an excellent loophole for the disadvantaged areas of the country, especially for those that own natural sources. We have to find solutions which can keep the visitors to stay longer in these destinations. This would mean more consumption and more demand for the local services, and this means job for the inhabitants. In this study we examined the position of Heves subregion, especially emphasized the possibilities of Kisköre, which abound with natural sources of attractions. Based on this aspect recent review includes a case study of an entrepreneur, whose example can show a possible solution for develop tourism in the disadvantaged Heves subregion. If we want innovations it is essential to investigate the position of the local ventures, because these ventures can be the main sources of the development. It is likely that they plan for longer time than those ventures that only plan the work for the compulsory actuation period.
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