Spatial disparities in Ózd micro-region


  • Kitti Némediné Kollár Szent István University
  • József Káposzta Szent István University


disadvantaged micro-regions, Ózd micro-region, job creation


Significant socio-economical changes, processes have happened in the last decades in Hungary, which resulted great transformations in the Hungarian settlement system, as well as in the territorial division of the population and in the concentration of the settlements. The integration of spatial economic and social criteria is greatly lacking currently, and the basis of cooperation is weak. Therefore the most important characteristics of the investigated micro-region are that its economic indicators, social, infrastructural, touristic indices are not even close to the national average. The problems include the low number of small and medium sized enterprises, the decrease in industrial employment – the formation of a significant work force sufficit –high unemployment rate, as well as the lack of own contribution needed for gaining resources from tender.

Author Biographies

Kitti Némediné Kollár, Szent István University

PhD, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Institute of Regional Economics and Rural Development

József Káposzta, Szent István University

CSc, Associate Professor, Dean, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Institute of Regional Economics and Rural Development


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How to Cite

Némediné Kollár, K., & Káposzta, J. (2014). Spatial disparities in Ózd micro-region. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 11(01), 63–70. Retrieved from