Settlement liquidation project in Kázsmárk


  • Boglárka Babják University of Miskolc


Roma integration, residence segregation, territorial disadvantages, social disadvantages


The association of income poverty and residence segregation raises serious social problems. The liquidation of Roma settlements that indicate and increasingly reproduce social and regional handicaps at the same time is a joint task of the Hungarian social and settlement policies. Two out of the European Union supported projects promoted this task in the 2007-2013 programming period. Out of the settlements that joined both programmes, we overview the characteristics and the results of the programme through the example of the settlement of Kázsmárk.

Author Biography

Boglárka Babják, University of Miskolc

MSc student


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How to Cite

Babják, B. (2014). Settlement liquidation project in Kázsmárk. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 11(01), 71–78. Retrieved from