"Up start" generation migration of Miskolc


  • Zsuzsanna Dabasi-Halász University of Miskolc
  • Ágnes Hegyi-Kéri University of Miskolc


migration, youth mobility, life course theory, deindustrialization, brown field


The Europe 2020 strategy can see the young generation as a driving force for smart, sustainable and economic growth because young people are most likely to take the risk to move abroad for educational or work-related reasons and to contribute to social and economical development with innovative business strategies (Eurofound 2011). Population trends influence the size and composition of the whole that and, consequently, those of the labour source. In the second half of the 20th century demographic processes were characterized by low and stable levels of mortality and fertility, the natural growth of the population stopped. Hungary’s accession to the European Union, has changed Hungary’s labour market in the past few decades. How can the mobility of young people be ‘good’ both for socio-economic development and for individual development of young people, and what are the factors that foster/hinder such beneficial mobility? Our research question could help to answer about the motivation and trends of the young people, specially those are moving away from Miskolc, which is a  centrum of an old industrial region.

Author Biographies

Zsuzsanna Dabasi-Halász, University of Miskolc

PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Institute of World and Regional Economics

Ágnes Hegyi-Kéri, University of Miskolc

PhD candidate, Faculty of Economics


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How to Cite

Dabasi-Halász, Z., & Hegyi-Kéri, Ágnes. (2015). &quot;Up start&quot; generation migration of Miskolc. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 12(01), 17–26. Retrieved from https://ojs.uni-miskolc.hu/index.php/stratfuz/article/view/3252