Recent trends in Hungarian emigration


  • Judit Molnár University of Miskolc
  • Lajos Gál-Szabó University of Miskolc
  • Beáta Siskáné Szilasi University of Miskolc
  • Mária Mohos University of Pécs
  • Gábor Dudás University of Szeged
  • Péter Vadnai University of Miskolc


population geography, international migration, emigration from Hungary


This study summarises the research results of the first sixteen months of a four year long project. It is well known that the number of emigrants leaving the country has increased in Hungary in recent years. Unfortunately there are no precise data on this. That is why the fieldwork that is being done as part of this project is so important. We were looking at the following questions: what kind of factors (social, economic, family connected, etc.) are behind the large number of potential emigrations; are there any spatial differences within Hungary in terms of the emigrants’ original places of residence, and if so what are the reasons for that. Furthermore we also compared the demographic attributes of those who do not want to emigrate with those who are willing to leave for a foreign country.

Author Biographies

Judit Molnár, University of Miskolc

PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Institute of Geography and Geoinformatics

Lajos Gál-Szabó, University of Miskolc

PhD student, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Institute of Geography and Geoinformatics

Beáta Siskáné Szilasi, University of Miskolc

PhD, Head of Department, Associate Professor, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Institute of Geography and Geoinformatics

Mária Mohos, University of Pécs

PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Institute of Geography

Gábor Dudás, University of Szeged

PhD, scientific assistant, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics Department of Economic and Social Geography

Péter Vadnai, University of Miskolc

MSc, engineer, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Institute of Geography and Geoinformatics


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How to Cite

Molnár, J., Gál-Szabó, L., Siskáné Szilasi, B., Mohos, M., Dudás, G., & Vadnai, P. (2015). Recent trends in Hungarian emigration. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 12(01), 27–37. Retrieved from