The study of national remigration policies in Europe and Hungary


  • Gábor Hegedűs University of Szeged
  • Gábor Lados University of Szeged


remigration, national policy, Europe, Hungary


The outmigration of labour forces a global phenomenon triggering many problems in the source countries. Several national policies and initiatives have already been implemented in the worldin order tostop outmigration and to fosterreturn migration to the country of origin. This paper deals with the main characteristics of European-level and national-level return migration policies. Our study covers the area of Europe and Hungary. Our research aims are to analyse these policies according to spatial differences and similarities of main types, objectives, timespan and results. In addition, we analyse the opinion of Hungarian remigrants on this issue. We have registered only a low number of European-level and national-level policies, and these policies are relatively new. Moreover, we have found very few complex and comprehensive policies. Hungarian remigrants generally appreciate both European-level and Hungarian national policies. National policies based on European-level conscious planning and coordination are recommendedin order to effectively support the return of outmigrants.

Author Biographies

Gábor Hegedűs, University of Szeged

PhD, Assisitant Professor, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics, Department of Economic and Social Geography

Gábor Lados, University of Szeged

research assistant, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics


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How to Cite

Hegedűs, G., & Lados, G. (2015). The study of national remigration policies in Europe and Hungary. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 12(01), 38–48. Retrieved from