A munkaerőpiaci-területi mobilitás vizsgálatának új dimenziói, kutatási módszerei és azok alkalmazása
model, mobility, labour market, the most disadvantaged micro-regionsAbstract
The present study aims at developing and testing a methodology measuring the relative (group-specific) mobility degree of the settlements in terms of employment, on the basis of the survey and interview made among the most disadvantaged job seekers. In the research, the dominant factors affecting labour mobility were determined that formed the basis of the model. To facilitate the application of the tool an excel table processing the input data has been developed. The testing of the methodology took place in the three most disadvantaged micro-regions of the Drava River Area. In this context, the analysis showed the internal mobility space structure of the region based on the relative mobility degree of the examined group the unfavorable position of the Sellye sub-region, and the somewhat better position of Csurgó area. The method developed with primary research support is able to measure mobility degree after the problem-oriented parameterization, perform social group-specific studies, model, evaluate and map the development of employment centers, travel grants and traffic alternatives. Thus, the device can be useful for those who deal with mobility problems as researchers, thesis writing students or as an interested layman.
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KULCSÁR GÁBOR (2006): A munkaerő területi mobilitását akadályozó tényezők. Esély 2006/3. pp. 61-84.
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Központi Statisztikai Hivatal: <http://ksh.hu/> (utolsó letöltés: 2014. szeptember 25.)
Nemzeti Foglalkoztatási Szolgálat: (utolsó letöltés: 2014. szeptember 25.)
GoogleMaps: <https://.map.google.hu> (utolsó letöltés: 2014. szeptember 25.)
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