Tourist mobility patterns of North Hungarian hikers


  • Tibor Kóródi University of Miskolc
  • Beáta Siskáné Szilasi University of Miskolc


tourism, migration, mobility, hiking, travel


In recent years, hiking becomes more and more fashionable in Hungary. The most fetching factor is the „go to the nature, away from the noise of the city” which also appears as a reason of suburbanization. On the other hand, the hiking’s growing popularity as a sport lies in its simplicity and cheapness. A basic hiking tour doesn’t require skills or equipments. However, hikers with major equipment and with willingness to travel far away and hiking in severe terrain are also more and more common. The reasons are many, but so far not made any studies which can show what kind of tours are the most popular among the hikers of the 21st century. Due to the increased demand in this work we want to fill this gap. In this research, we worked with the Hegyre Fel! tourist association’s base of hikers. The main questions of the study are what kind of areas the hikers mostly looking for and why. The methods of the research are questionnaire survey and statistical analysis.


Author Biographies

Tibor Kóródi, University of Miskolc

PhD student, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Institute of Geography and Geoinformatics

Beáta Siskáné Szilasi, University of Miskolc

PhD, Head of Department, Associate Professor, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Institute of Geography and Geoinformatics


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How to Cite

Kóródi, T., & Siskáné Szilasi, B. (2015). Tourist mobility patterns of North Hungarian hikers. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 12(01), 70–78. Retrieved from