Cserdi, the innovative Roma village
innovation, social innovation, rural development, local hero, Roma ethnicity, public employmentAbstract
Today’s Roma policy must not bewail the difficulties, but should take action. Fortunately, a growing number of Roma politicians, public figures, scientifically recognized people had been known in the past few decades, undertaking a kind of activist role greatly improve the situation of Roma people. Such a person is László Bogdán, the mayor of Cserdi, who took local young people to a jail, so the could see what is waiting fort hem if they end up there, while a part of the societyis stirred up, and floundering about in homophobic discourses. This innovative person eliminates poverty in his village, creatively harnessing the public work programme by establishing a local biofarm. Today the small village has evolved to donate every year tons of vegetables for free to those in need, with the aim to dismantle the negative stereotypes about the Roma people.
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