The possibility of implementing a successful social innovation initiatives in a peripheral settlements


  • Tamara Czipczer University of Miskolc
  • Gabriella Bordás University of Miskolc
  • Klaudia Murányi University of Miskolc


Cserehát, Symbiosis Foundation, social farm


Our project’s aim is to process the theoretical background and the literature to give an appropriate view about the importance of social innovation.
The chosen region is reasonably peripheral. Our basic idea is to adapt a successful social innovation initiation to a selected part of Cserehát, which is Forró. The social initiation related to the “Szimbiózis Alapítvány” (Symbiosis Foundation), which was founded 15 years ago in Miskolc. It has a complex service model works very successfully in Hungary. One part of this model is the social farm which gives workplace for people with disabilities. Our project is based on this concept. Three types of social farms can be distinguished according to their function: rehabilitation, social caring and cooperative farms. In the Symbiosis Foundation this three forms appear and works together. However, we chose the social caring farm because it gives the opportunity for the inhabitants to work and learn how to be self-supporting. This is really important in this poor area where the unemployment rate is high.

Author Biographies

Tamara Czipczer, University of Miskolc

2nd year undergraduate student, University of Miskolc, Faculty of Economics, major in Human Resources

Gabriella Bordás, University of Miskolc

2nd year undergraduate student,  University of Miskolc, Faculty of Economics, major in Human Resources

Klaudia Murányi, University of Miskolc

2nd year undergraduate student, University of Miskolc, Faculty of Economics, major in Human Resources


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How to Cite

Czipczer, T., Bordás, G., & Murányi, K. (2015). The possibility of implementing a successful social innovation initiatives in a peripheral settlements. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 12(02), 115–121. Retrieved from