Medium and long-term performance change of innovation funds awarded Hungarian SMEs
innovation, SME, entrepreneurship, tender, effectivenessAbstract
Innovation activity in enterprises is a combination of strategic thinking and day-to-day economic decisions. In recent years and decades, the study of innovation activity has become an important field. Research has shown that innovation activity can be a source of survival and a driver of growth for enterprises. Therefore, the research investigates how a segment of the domestic SME sector that has used public funding for innovation-related activities has exploited this funding and what impact this has had on the medium- and long-term performance of the enterprise. To do this, after defining the research sample, a broad list of enterprises was collected that had drawn on the funding and then built up a database of analysable reporting data for the indicators measuring effectiveness. The authors defined the time horizons of the study, contained 12 years of reporting data. In the analysis, the effects of inflation were filtered out and to take into account the effects of the economic crisis that started in 2008. The authors also tried to compare the results with the performance data of other companies. The results confirmed the importance of innovation and performance indicators obtained, that also confirmed the assumptions with numerical data.
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