Regional network cooperation, as an innovation management and knowledge transfer of public educational institutes


  • Tibor Ábrám Lévay József Reformed High School and Boarding Home


public education, network cooperation, Hungarian Reformed Church


In a relatively rapid changing socio-economic field the gradient for adapting changes can be a significant competitive advantage. Also important how much value added can add the actors of the tertiary and quaternary sectors of economy to the economic development. The public education system belongs to the tertiary sector of the economy, and in this term the “marketable knowledge” can be defined as an efficient answer of the public educational system for the changing socio-economic field. The author is analysing the networking cooperation and characteristics of the Calvinistic public educational institutes after the system change.

Author Biography

Tibor Ábrám, Lévay József Reformed High School and Boarding Home



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How to Cite

Ábrám, T. (2016). Regional network cooperation, as an innovation management and knowledge transfer of public educational institutes . Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 13(01), 57–63. Retrieved from