Characteristics of the Hungarian doctor migration


  • Lajos Boros University of Szeged
  • Viktor Pál University of Szeged


medical migration, healthcare, regional differences, migration, European Union


The migration of doctors, so the brain drain of the healthcare has caused serious professional and public debates in the last years in Hungary. Mostly the deficits and caused operational problems are emphasized in this process. Instead of the case that the abroad migration of doctors has only started after the opening of the Western and Eastern European labour markets, it has caused in a relatively short time intense operational problems in the healthcare. The negative effects are especially deep in the case of peripheral and economically underdeveloped territories. The study gives a review about the interpretation opportunities of doctor migration, and about the most important characteristics of the national process.

Author Biographies

Lajos Boros, University of Szeged

Assistant Professor, Department of Economic and Social Geography

Viktor Pál, University of Szeged

Assistant Professor, Department of Economic and Social Geography


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How to Cite

Boros, L., & Pál, V. (2016). Characteristics of the Hungarian doctor migration. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 13(01), 64–72. Retrieved from