A new state is born? Efforts of the Basque country for the autonomy


  • András Hajdó Corvinus University of Budapest


nation-state, Basque Country, nationality, Basque Autonomous Community


In the 21 century the regional national movements have its renaissance, in which also the crises of the last decade have great role. In Europe more nations without independent state want to secede from the majority nation’s state. In 2014 there were two referendums in two month. Scotland has got a historical opportunity for independence, but the Scotches have voted against this, although the British government has thought the referendum as arbitral, so there was a real chance for independence. Instead of this the Catalan referendum was thought as anticonstitutional by the Spanish government, although the 80% of the responders voted for the independence. Temporarily the aim of the Catalan government was only getting the opinion.

Author Biography

András Hajdó, Corvinus University of Budapest

historian (BA), 1st year international master's student at Corvinus University of Budapest


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How to Cite

Hajdó, A. (2016). A new state is born? Efforts of the Basque country for the autonomy. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 13(01), 92–104. Retrieved from https://ojs.uni-miskolc.hu/index.php/stratfuz/article/view/3605