Public service ethics – is it an agglomeration of abstract knowledge or an urgent practice?


  • György Kocziszky University of Miskolc
  • Katalin Tihanyi National Bank of Hungary (MNB)


values, ethics, public finances


The value hierarchy defines basically the public thinking (which is forming in time and space) of a given society, which can be influenced by education. Instead of this in the last two decades the education of moral and ethics has appeared almost only in the frames of philosophy subject in the programs of the national higher education. Engineers and economists got degree without hearing only basic knowledge about these important issues. It is not surprising that we can experience the consequences of this in the practice day by day, and we can suffer from these. The authors in their research analyse partly the causes of it, and on the other hand they examine the expectations imposed on public servants.

Author Biographies

György Kocziszky, University of Miskolc

Professor, CSc, University of MIskolc, Faculty of Economics

Member of Monetary Council, National Bank of Hungary

Katalin Tihanyi, National Bank of Hungary (MNB)

Higher education expert, Hungarian National Bank, Education Directorate


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How to Cite

Kocziszky, G., & Tihanyi, K. (2016). Public service ethics – is it an agglomeration of abstract knowledge or an urgent practice?. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 13(02), 57–70. Retrieved from