Case study: design of a vacuum gripper


  • Dániel Kiss University of Miskolc, Institute of Machine Tools and Mechatronics
  • Attila Szilágyi University of Miskolc, Institute of Machine Tools and Mechatronics



FEM, mechanical, numerical


In this paper we present the design process of a vacuum gripper based on an existing design, which have to be modified. During the design process each step was analysed by finite element methods, to see that the change in the model was made into the right direction. During these steps an appropriate solution was selected to be used later. In the paper we present the base design and the results of its analysis. Later we discuss the modifications made on the model and the final result of simulations of the modified geometries.


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Kiss, D., & Szilágyi, A. (2021). Case study: design of a vacuum gripper. Design of Machines and Structures, 11(1), 34–38.