Evolutionary based system for qualification and evaluation

A case study





Sigmoid functions; evolutionary based system; evaluation, qualification and comparison of group achievements; EBSYQ methodology of qualification and evaluation


In a previous paper the new EBSYQ (Evolutionary Based SYstem for Qualification and Evaluation of Group Achievements) system has been proposed for teachers and juries, helping them in making accurate and objective ranking. The analysis of the behaviour of the special characteristic sigmoid functions of the groups gives the possibility to discover some interesting points of view for qualifying the achievement and the standard of the groups (subgroups of talented and under- motivated students, spectrum of the group, eigenvalues, Lorentz function). This paper shows a case study of an international project of student groups competition in the field of product design, with Finnish and Hungarian students. Comparison of the decision process of the jury without using the EBSYQ system and with the application of the system shows the efficiency of the qualification system in realizing a well-founded and careful ranking of the groups, even in case of very close competition. Each point of view of the decision-making system is evaluated by numbers, which can increase the objectivity and accuracy of the decision.


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Szabó, F. J. (2020). Evolutionary based system for qualification and evaluation: A case study. Design of Machines and Structures, 10(1), 49–62. https://doi.org/10.32972/dms.2020.006