Our right to life comes from being human: Perception of the child before birth


  • Edit Frivaldszky Human Dignity Center, Hungary




abortion, unborn, conception, motherhood, beginning of life, human being.


More than 70 million abortions take place worldwide every year. There is no other topic so devisive today as the recognition of the human being as human while in the mother's womb. And there is no other issue where the world of law is so disconnected from biological reality as for the beginning of life.

Our times see a cultural dissonance where due to historical and technological developments men and women turn against each other at the expense of the conceived new life, where mothers and fathers become the number one enemy of their unborn children. Recognizing the importance of our genetic heritage might lead to the rearrangement of responsibilities for the sake of the next generation.

Althought on the surface, the cultural acceptance of the unborn is not widespread in the Western world, the roots of recognizing the human being as human can be found in international documents and national legislation. While the rights of the child before birth is under attack, mothers must also be strongly protected in the vulnerable period of pregnancy.


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Frivaldszky, E. (2024). Our right to life comes from being human: Perception of the child before birth. Europäische Integrationsstudien, 20(1), 39–60. https://doi.org/10.46941/2024.1.2