Illegal and immoral contracts in the context of the Romanian Civil Code


  • Emőd Veress Department of Law, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania



Romanian Civil Code, invalidity, nullity, voidability, unwritten clauses


The article deals with the current regulation of contractual invalidity in the Romanian Civil Code in force from the 1st of October 2011. Based on millennial traditions of Roman law, the regulation is influenced by all the modern solutions or developments of civil law codification, resulting in a complex system of rules, sometimes shaped by the legal practice. The article focuses on the overall design of invalidity and its specific forms: nullity, voidability, and unwritten clauses. An emphasis stands on the specificities of the Romanian rules and also on some current developments of legal cases.



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Hogyan kell idézni

Veress, E. (2023). Illegal and immoral contracts in the context of the Romanian Civil Code. European Integration Studies, 18(2), 113–126.