Child Poverty in the Member States of the European Union through the Lens of Hungary and the Romani Population


  • Virág Havasi Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Applied Social Sciences, University of Miskolc, Miskolc, Hungary,



child poverty, Roma, Hungary, social policy.


In this study, we examined the different measurement methods for poverty. Extreme poverty has decreased both in terms of actual number and overall proportion, but it is still present even in the developed European countries. Having assessed the situation of the Romani people and their children in the European member states, we found that their conditions were relatively better in three Central European countries. We provide a detailed picture about the Hungarian Roma and the state’s endeavours to integrate them into society. Hungary has high-quality institutions, including social innovations such as the Sure Start Children’s House and Study Hall, but their functioning is not without deficiencies.


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Hogyan kell idézni

Havasi, V. (2024). Child Poverty in the Member States of the European Union through the Lens of Hungary and the Romani Population. European Integration Studies, 20(1), 61–87.