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We kindly ask the authors to consider the publication type-specific requirements, as well, which are fixed by contracts or by the editorial board at one of the book series or journals published by the European Integration Studies.




  1. The Editorial Board invites the authors to send their manuscripts or Book-proposal for the purpose of publication to the following e-mail address: The Editorial Board also invites the authors to submit the following pieces of information in a separate document:
  • full title of the study in English;
  • full title of the study, abstract (200-300 words) and key words (5-7) in English;
  • type of the study (not obligatory);
  • name(s) of the author(s), her/his/their academic degree(s)/title(s);
  • institutional affiliation (as the author wants to make it appear in the journal);
  • ORCID number, e-mail address of the author.


The Editorial Board decides whether to begin the publication process or not considering the submitted manuscript.


The European Integration Studies carries out its academic publishing activities for the benefit of the public and the academic society. It undertakes the publication costs and does not charge the author any cost (publishing or processing fees).


  1. All kinds of scientific manuscripts are subjected to a double-blind, peer review process. With anonymity as the most important principle, this process consists of three stages:


  • General editorial review.
  • Double-blind peer review with the contribution of experts.
  • Final decision on publishing by the editor.


During the process of reviewing, the editor communicates with the author(s) via e-mail. The author is informed about the result of the process of peer-reviewing by the editor who conducted the general editorial review. Correspondence related to peer review and peer reviewers’ reviews is archived by the Editor-in-chief. Peer reviews are not published.


See our guidance about the peer review process: Information About Peer Review Processes


The Editorial Board invites the authors to make a declaration that they have not recommended their studies for publication to other publishers and their studies have not been published yet when submitting it to Miskolc University Press. Miskolc University Press does not publish any manuscript that does not meet this requirement.


The Editor-in-chief of a Book Series or a Journal or the Editorial Board gives information to the authors about the opinions of peer-reviewers (in an anonymized way). The editor-in-chief of the journal or the book series (in consultation with the editor(s) of the volume) decides whether a manuscript can be published in the journal or volume. The Editor-in-chief and the Publisher (in charge) hold the right to veto the editor’s decision.

The Editor-in-chief informs the authors of the acceptance or the refusal of the studies. After the acceptance of the study, the Editor-in-chief contacts the authors for the purpose of transferring the copyright to Miskolc University Press. The Hungarian Law is applicable to licensing agreements and contracts.


The overall peer-review process generally takes 2-3 months. In the event of delays, authors should be informed of the reason for the delay and given the opportunity to withdraw their manuscript if they wish.


The Authors shall comply with the Publication Ethics. Following the COPE ( guidances and best practices, the Editorial Board carries out processes for handling both pre-publication and post-publication critiques. In any case of right infringement, plagiarism or defamation, etc., depending on the possible means to resolve the problem, Editorial Board refuses the manuscript or calls the Author to modify it, interrupts the publishing process or retracts the published manuscript. 

Decisions may be guided by the editorial board of the journal or book series and by guidelines set by the Editorial Board, and are limited by existing laws on defamation, copyright infringement and plagiarism. The editor is permitted to run computer software to filter out plagiarism.

If necessary, the linguistic proofreader may correct some paragraphs of the manuscript or make recommendations for the revision of the text. Hence, the linguistic proofreader does not correct large portions of the text. If the linguistic proofreader does not pass the manuscript for publication for the third time, this results in its final rejection.

Declaration of exclusivity. The editorial team invites the authors, when they submit their manuscripts, to make a declaration that they have not recommended their manuscripts for publication to other publishers and which have not been published previously. The Journal does not publish any manuscript that does not meet this requirement.


  1. Manuscript text must be in Times New Roman, font size 12, single-spaced, and justified. This applies to abstract and keywords as well. Footnotes must adhere to the same, except in case of the font size, which must be 10.
  2. Quotes longer than 40 words must be highlighted by using margins or smaller font size. Please use single quotation marks for citations, and double quotation marks for specific words, and phrases.
  3. Please do not use bold font type in the text body or in footnotes, please use italic style only for judicial cases or for specific expressions.
  4. Please use short titles, subtitles, and headings.
  5. Please use footnotes, not endnotes. These must be ordered using Arabic numerals. If necessary, please mark the origin of the text next to the title with an asterisk. Please also indicate the acknowledgements for persons and scholarships next to the title. Please mark this note at the bottom of the first page.
  6. A reference list (bibliography) is required at the end, on a separate page.
  7. Please use Arabic numerals because of the unification of chapters and subheadings (1., 1.1., 1.1.1). 
  8. Regarding citations, footnotes, and the reference list, please use the (adapted) Harvard Referencing Style Guide.
  9. Please use the DOI-numbers of the cited works (in a https format) in the reference list after the requested forms of citations detailed in the Harvard Referencing Style Guide. For that, it is recommended to use this free access service:
  10. Please do not use colourful tables, charts, and pictures in your manuscript.
  11. Given that each country names and numbers its legal sources (laws, judgments and orders) differently, authors may indicate these sources in their manuscript at their own discretion, with the additional requirements of clarity and consistency.
  12. In the case of cited work titles with Cyrillic letters, please add their phonetic transcription in the Latin alphabet, as well.


Authors shall use footnote references (I.) and a reference list (II.). (Note: Examples below are written boldly for the sake of clarity, but the references of the manuscript shall not be written with bold letters.)

  1. Footnote references must be included following the use of a quote or paraphrase taken from another piece of work. Footnote references are abbreviated forms of the sources in the reference list. In footnote references authors shall use the abbreviated form even for the first time of citing a source. Footnote references refer to a quote or paraphrase. They are much shorter than full references. The full reference of footnote citations appears in the reference list. Footnote citations contain the author(s)’s or editor(s)’s surname, year of publication and page number(s). Note: p. refers to a single page, pp. refers to a range of pages.


  • In case of citing a source with one author, this takes the form: Mitchell, 2017, p. 189.
  • In case of citing a source with two or three authors, state all surnames like so: Field and Solie, 2007, p. 254.
  • In case of citing a source with four or more authors, the first author’s surname should be stated followed by ‘et al’: Donatelli et al., 2010, p. 65.
  • If referencing multiple works from one author released in the same year, the works are allocated a letter (a, b, c etc) after the year. This allocation is done in the reference list so is done alphabetically according to the author's surname and source title: Mitchell, 2017b, p. 189.
  • In case of citing different editions of the same work, include the author(s)’s name only once followed by all the appropriate dates separated by semicolons: Mitchell, 2010; 2017.
  • In case of citing a reference with no date, simply state ‘no date’ in place of the year: Mitchell, no date, p. 189.
  • In case of citing a secondary source, state the reference you used first followed by ‘cited in’ and the original author: Smith, 2000, cited in Mitchell, 2017, p. 189.
  1. A reference listis a complete list of all the sources used when creating a piece of work. This list includes information about the sources like the author, date of publication, title of the source and more. A Harvard reference list shall…
  • be on a separate page at the end of the document;
  • be organised alphabetically by author, unless there is no author then it is ordered by the source title, excluding articles such as a, an or the;
    • [Note: If there are multiple works by the same author these are ordered by date, if the works are in the same year they are ordered alphabetically by the title and are allocated a letter (a,b,c etc) after the date.]
  • be double spaced: there should be a full, blank line of space between each line of text;
  • contain full references for all footnote references used.

The different sources shall be cited in the following ways (examples):

  • In case of citing a book, the format is as follows: Author surname(s), initial(s). (Year published) Title (italicised). Edition. Place of publication: publisher. For example: Brown, S. (2007) The Regulation of Consumer Credit: A Transatlantic Analysis. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing;
  • In case of citing an edited book, the format is as follows: Editor surname(s), initial(s). (ed(s).) (Year). Title of book. Edition. Place of publication: publishers. For example: Alabrese, M., Brunori, M., Rolandi, S., Saba, A. (eds.) (2017) Agricultural Law. 1st edn. New York City: Springer International Publishing;
  • In case of citing a chapter in an edited book, the format is as follows: Author surname(s), initial(s) (Year) ‘Title of chapter’ in editor(s) surname, initial(s) (ed(s).) Title of book. Edition. Place of publication: publisher, page numbers. For example: Alabrese, M. (2017) ‘Agricultural Law from a Global Perspective: An Introduction’ in Alabrese, M., Brunori, M., Rolandi, S., Saba, A. (eds.) Agricultural Law. 1st edn. New York City: Springer International Publishing, pp. 1–12;
  • In case of citing a journal article, the format is as follows: Author name(s), initial(s) (Year published) ‘Title of article’, Title, Volume(Issue/Season/Number etc.), page numbers. For example: Jacobs, S.B. (2019) ‘The Statutory Separation of Powers’, The Yale Law Journal, 129(2), pp. 378–444. [Note: If the journal does not use numeration for volumes, please use the following format after the title of the journal: Year/Issue, page numbers. For example: 2019/2, pp. 107–121.]
  • In case of citing an online journal or newspaper article, the format is as follows: Author surname(s), initial(s). (Year) ‘Title of article’, Title of journal, Volume(Issue/Season) [online]. Available at: URL or DOI (Accessed: day month year). For example: Szilágyi, J.E. (2019) ‘Systematization and some current issues of water law and water regulation in the framework of the European Union’, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Law, 14(26), pp. 255–275 [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 11 March 2022).
  • In case of citing a website, the format is as follows: Author surname(s), initial(s). (Year of publishing) Title of page/site [Online]. Available at: URL (Accessed: day month year). For example: Mitchell, J.A. (2017) How and when to reference [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 27 May 2017).


List of abbreviations:

Please use the following abbreviations in your manuscripts:

  • art. – article
  • et al. – and others
  • etc. – and so on
  • vol. / vols. – volume / volumes
  • c. – approximately
  • ms. – manuscript
  • edn. – edition
  • ed. / eds. – editor / editors
  • p. / pp. – page / pages
  • para. / paras. – paragraph / paragraphs
  • e.g. – for example
  • pt. / pts. – part / parts
  • cf. – compare
  • ibid. – at the same place
  • ip. – in press