personality rights, family law, sharenting, right to facial likeness and recorded voice, sharentingAbstract
In recent times, the presence of social media has induced significant changes in the classical system of personality rights. It is no longer a novelty that individuals share various moments of their lives with the world at their own discretion, but as much as the presence on social media platforms has advantages, there are naturally also drawbacks. The phenomenon of sharenting is a consequence of this increased presence, where parents not only share their own but also their children’s experiences, photos, and videos on these platforms, often not necessarily in the child’s interest, but rather in their own. The personality rights implications of social media presence have already been the subject of numerous studies, but the particularity of this study is that it juxtaposes the regulation of personality rights issues, especially the right to one’s image and voice, with the family law regulation in the background of the relationship between parents and children, as the evaluation of parental behavior can primarily be categorized within the scope of family law regulation.
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