Távérzékelés és informatika a mezőgazdaságban


  • Ágnes Gindert-Kele University of Debrecen
  • Zoltán Hagymássy University of Debrecen


wireless sensor networks, agriculture


Parallel to the progress and availability of recent digital electronics, application of wireless remote sensors becomes a real possibility for everyday agricultural applications. The new technique is especially promising in areas where long distances should be overcome and there are hectic weather conditions. Remote sensors and transmitters are able to acquire data on weather, on the physicochemical properties of the soil and on the status of plants and crop. Following an automatic evaluation of the data, farmers can immediately act to prevent serious damage of their goods, for example in case of sudden temperature change. Depending on the progress of automatization, programmed irrigation, nutrient support and defense against pests is possible. We show some real implementations from oversea, Europe and Hungary.


