Műszaki kerámiák alkalmazása fémek kenőanyagmentes alakító eljárásainak szerszámanyagaként


  • Mária Marosné Berkes University of Miskolc
  • Noémi László University of Miskolc
  • Alexandra Kitti Németh University of Miskolc


ceramic, tool material, coating, dry metal forming, environment protection


In metal forming several lubricants are used to reduce friction, wear and load of the tool, to avoid adhesion causing seizure and galling, to prevent corrosion or to protect the surface of the workpieces. Most of the lubricants however are harmful for the environment and health. Dry forming technologies are representatives of the advanced green technologies fulfilling the requirements of the sustainable development of processing technologies and environment protection in the XXI. century. In order to avoid lubricants we have to develop and apply novel tool materials, capable to take over the duty of the lubricants without increase of costs. One of the possible solutions is the application of engineering ceramics both as bulk or coating material of tools. The paper aims at defining the term of “dry forming” and providing a brief overview on the role and possible benefits that can be achieved by the application of engineering ceramics in metal forming.

