Asian design and its effect on the design in Europe


  • Brigitta Marozsán University of Miskolc
  • Mariann Hircsu University of Miskolc
  • Vivien Sipkás University of Miskolc



Japan, design, art, Fukasawa, Tokujon Yoshioka, Mackintosh, japonisme


21st century human beings are surrounded by a never experinced amount of products. This means both a positive condition and a challenge in our every day life. The advantage of diversity is that everyone finds individually the fitting products to their needs, in a proper quality and price. From the view of the creators it is the other way round, because with the growing number of goods they have to meet more and more criterias. The expectations are growing and also the need for products which have unique design and technical solutions. Our objects are not only tools or means of production, they are pieces of art as a part of ideology and economy and the optimized summary of technical, biological, sociological and esthetic factors. Thanks to the opportunities allowed by the development of technology, the time of information flow is minimised. The data required for development can be sent smoothly and without any problem from one point of the world to another. But without a suitable recieving attitude this alone would not be sufficient for far away cultures to headway along continents.


