Characterization of the contaminants’ adsorption on low-permeability soils, furthermore summary of previously performed experiments to enhance desorption

A review




permeability, adsorption, desorption, remediation


Up to this day significant amount of hydrocarbon contaminants has fallen into the soil due to the careless industrial activities. The effective remediation is extremely difficult and complex, especially in low-permeability soils (eg. clay, silt). Based on my research, the factors which are mostly influenced to adsorption: the organic matter content, the proportion of colloidal minerals, pH, cation exchange capacity, temperature, water solubility and age of contaminants. Numerous researches have been conducted to extreme soil-acidification, batching of oxidants, air-fluidum injection and electrokinetic treatment. Some results were successful and interesting but due to the risk from extreme loads (acid, temperature, released gases), these methods can only be used in solely controlled ex-situ environment. Based on the presented researches, I reckon that the enhancement of desorption in low-permeability soils could be determined by the combined and modified of methods, circumstances and other adjectives.

In the next phase of the research I am going to determine the adsorption capacity of the examined soil samples, which will be followed by desorption tests, where dosage of oxidizings, acidification and temperature increasing (in the interval between +5°C and +50°C) will be applied. In the second phase, I am trying to use electrokinetic treatment and gas/air-fluid injection, furthermore the necessary sample-container is being developed. In my opinion the results of the experiments and measurements carried out in the first and second stages of the research will determine the dissolution of the pollutants in the mentioned low-permeability sediments and their effective remediation.


