Analysis of the full wave spectra of laboratory acoustic measurements




acoustic measurements, P wave, S wave, Fourier spectra, Energy spectra


The paper presents and analyzes the Fourier spectra of the complete waveforms of the P and S waves measured on the drilling core samples in the laboratory. Measurements were performed on sandstone and aluminum samples at 12 different pressures. For measurements on an aluminum sample, the spectra show significantly higher amplitude values at all pressures and at all frequencies than for sandstone sample. In the case of sandstone sample, the energy of the P wave is concentrated in the frequency band between 100,000 Hz and 300,000 Hz, while the energy of the S wave is predominantly in the frequency band between 300,000 Hz and 800,000 Hz. Based on acoustic measurements, it can also be stated that the maximum of the energy spectrum of the P wave measured on the same sample is significantly higher than that of the S wave.


