"The horror of the countryside"

Mediarepresentation of the Hungarian anode battery issues in the 20th centruy


  • József R. Nagy University of Miskolc




anode battery, battery, radio, media history, history of technology, deficit management


The article deals with one of the problems of 20th century Hungarian radio broadcasting that has not been solved for decades, the effects of the lack of anode batteries, filament batteries and other components necessary for the operation of the radio sets on society through their media representation. The paper examines the causes of this phenomenon through articles, publicists, advertisements, letters to the editor, official announcements and notices published in the national press. The effects of electrification in Hungary on radio broadcasting, the activities of manufacturers and traders of batteries, and the specific features of pricing are also discussed. The paper also deals with home-made, DIY solutions for radio listeners, and devotes a separate chapter to attempts to find technical solutions to the problem. It also includes an analysis of letters from readers, comments and classified advertisements in the press, and the responses of manufacturers and authorities. The study also deals with the humorous and grotesque aspects of the subject. The text also includes pictures of the advertising material and caricatures of the period, as well as of the anode plants and DIY solutions mentioned.


