History and future of computer visualisation


  • Péter Mileff University of Miskolc
  • Judit Dudra Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd.




computer visualization, voxel based rasterisation, software rendering, ray-tracing


Computer visualization has a long history with many great strides. However, the 21th century has seen the greatest progress in the development. The area continuously followed the evolution of the available hardwares. As more and more computing capacity based computers became available, computer visualization had been unfolded. New algorithms and technologies have appeared. Nowadays, there is no area in our daily lives where the need for visualization, whether it be a car, a computer game, or even an IoT device, does not appear. In this article, we examine and briefly review the dominant trend that modern real-time visualization currently follows. We cover the key technologies that are an integral part of today's rendering and the opportunities that could be decisive for future real-time rendering. It is difficult to predict the future of visualization, the technology adopted, as it depends heavily on what hardware vendor-supported technology becomes accepted and dominant.


