Szerves ipari hulladékok kezelésére szolgáló technológiák vizsgálata környezetterhelési, energiahatékonysági és gazdaságossági aspektusokból


  • István Bodnár University of Miskolc
  • Viktória Mannheim University of Miskolc


This paper provides new information related to the thermic utilisation and biogas processes. The research study worked out prognoses with LCA method. The LCA data represents the conventional incineration, the gasification, the pyrolysis and the plasmabased technology for organic industrial waste. The energy efficiency and economic viewpoints also prevails, during the assessment of thermic treatment processes and biogas processes besides environmental burden. The investigations show the Global Warming Potential (GWP), the Ozone Layer Depletion Potential (ODP), the Acidification Potential (AP) and the Human Toxic Potential (HTP) by thermic treatments and biogas process.


