Arguments in favor of Everett's many-worlds interpretation of quantum physics


  • Gábor Pszota University of Miskolc



Quantum physics, Everett's many-worlds interpretation, relative states, measurement process


Quantum physics turned out to be very successful in describing microscopic systems. The essence of this is that the system is described by a state function (wave function) and the physical quantity is represented by an operator. The eigenvalues of these operators give the possible values of the measurement and the corresponding eigenstates, and we also get the probabilities of the different possibilities from the calculations. According to the original interpretation of quantum physics, when a measurement is performed, only one of the many possibilities is realized, i.e. the original state function collapses into the realized eigenstate. There are several theoretical problems with this idea, so the many-worlds interpretation, according to which all possibilities should be considered equally real, has become increasingly popular in recent decades. In terms of mathematical formalism, the two ideas are the same, the only difference being in the interpretation of the results. Clear experimental evidence is therefore difficult to obtain, but it is not impossible. There are numerous arguments in favor of the multi-worlds interpretation, most notably the existence of a functioning quantum computer. The aim of this article is to summarize these modern results and principles in Hungarian, kind of filling in the gaps, and supplementing them with some interesting facts.


