Spatial changes of public administration in the Alduna mountain region from Turkish Conquest to nowdays


  • Tibor Elekes University of Miskolc
  • Gyula Szalóczy University of Miskolc
  • Ádám Márk Huszti University of Miskolc
  • Hortnezia Kémenes University of Miskolc



Alduna range, Caraș-Severin (Krassó-Szörény), public administration


In the studied area, apart from shorter periods, the county and its corresponding territorial units are present in the history of the last millennium of the region in the Kingdom of Hungary, during the Turkish occupation, in the Habsburg times, in the Hungary of the Monarchy and in the 20th- 21st centuries in Romania. In Habsburg times, between 1718-1779, 1784-1790 and 1849-1860, larger administrative units were formed over the counties. Between 1950 and 1968, the region –rayon/ province/district system was operated in Romania. The level of spatial organization subordinate to the counties had already existed during the Habsburg Empire. In 1950, districts in Romania were abolished. The lowest level of public administration was the village. From 1930 to the present, in Romania, a commune consisting of one or more villages plays this role. The spatial organization developed according to the natural conditions (topography, water network), the settlement network, socio-economic factors, but primarily according to the interests of the current political power.


