Six figures – six statements – situation of labour-power market in SR of MSD of Northern Hungary


  • Katalin Lipták University of Miskolc


regional employment, unemployment


1. From among the Hungarian counties it is Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county where unemployment data of SR show by far the highest rate, while Nográd county belongs to that of mediocore, Heves county to that of more favourable conditions.
2. labour-power positions indicated by employment and unemployment indices of SR,the MSD areas do not produce any group characterized by homogeneous, unambiguously worst labour-power status.
3. On the other hand the SR MSD in Northern Hungarian Plain and Northern Hungary stay unambiguously in the most disadvantageous set.
4. While on country-wide scale the unemployment has been on decline since 1994, the NorthHungarian SR of MSD were left out of this process. The SR in Heves county move on a course different from the regional MSD-trends.
5. Within the North-Hungarian region the indices of employment are characteristically on decline excepting SR at Ózd, Sárospatak, Bátonyterenye and Heves.
6. The low rate of employment and high rate of unemployment can be explaind by the unfavourable human labour-source indicated by low HDI-values of SR.

Author Biography

Katalin Lipták, University of Miskolc

Ph.D student, Institute of World and Regional Economics


évi XXI. törvény a területfejlesztésről és a területrendezésről

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How to Cite

Lipták, K. (2010). Six figures – six statements – situation of labour-power market in SR of MSD of Northern Hungary . Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 7(02), 58–64. Retrieved from