Relations between the Central-European Trade routes and revenues of EU members


  • Gábor Miklós Corvinus University of Budapest



collection cost, One Belt One Road, tariffs, Port of Rotterdam, Port of Piraeus, Port of Hamburg


This research highlights the shifting of the trade routes and economic geographic process. What kind of impacts are there in EU countries that a significant part of EU-Chine trade has been moving from vessels to freight trains or to combined, overland maritime transportation. It has partly taken out the former China – Germany/Hamburg maritime way. This paper is analysing the role of Port of Piraeus in this process as the pretty new but very important port for the Chinese COSCO maritime transportation company and on other hand how does the new structure change the revenues for the members in this situation

Author Biography

Gábor Miklós, Corvinus University of Budapest

PhD student


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How to Cite

Miklós, G. (2024). Relations between the Central-European Trade routes and revenues of EU members. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 21(01), 66–81.