Kolozsvár metropolisz térség idegenforgalma


  • Nóra-Csilla Vicsai Babes-Bolyai University


Cluj metropolis area, tourism, types of tourism


Cluj-Napoca metropolitan area is composed by the town of Cluj-Napoca and other 17 territorial-administrative units. The area is caracterized by diversity; the containing settlements offer a variety of opportunities, and this end up in a wide range of forms of tourism. The core of tourism is Cluj-Napoca. The city hosts first of all cultural (urban) tourism and business voyages. The secondary centre is Gilău and its surroundings: the site of Someş - Tarniţa offers an opportunity to recreation, trekking, so it is a typical weekend tourism destination. However, transit tourism also makes its appearance, taking the advantage of the favorable geographical position. Transit tourism caracterizes especially those settlements that are located along the Cluj-Napoca – Oradea highway. Different forms of tourism can complement each other: the metropolitan area provides opportunities for the development of an integrated tourism – therefore a research on tourism at a higher level, at the level of the metropolitan area worth it.


Author Biography

Nóra-Csilla Vicsai , Babes-Bolyai University

PhD student, Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Geogrpahy, Cluj


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Kolozsvár Turisztikai Irodája

Kolozs Megyei Tanács hivatalos honlapja

Kolozsvár metropolisz térség egyes településeinek hivatalos honlapja




How to Cite

Vicsai, N.-C. (2012). Kolozsvár metropolisz térség idegenforgalma. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 9(02), 35–52. Retrieved from https://ojs.uni-miskolc.hu/index.php/stratfuz/article/view/3050