North-West Transylvania’s Place and Role in Romania’s Tourism


  • Lujza Tünde Cozma Babes-Bolyai University


tourism offer, tourism performance, territorial impact, North-Western Transylvania


Tourism plays an increasing role in regional development worldwide and is getting more and more attention in Romania’s development regions as well. North-Western Transylvania’s position on national and wider European context is strengthened by its favorable geographical position, natural resources and values, developed transportation system, attractiveness from economic point of view, cultural diversity and valuable tourism potential. However relatively little is known about North-Western Transylvania’s concrete position in the country’s tourism.  Therefore the aim of this study is to define the place and role of North-West Transylvania in the Romanian tourism. The key elements of the regional tourism offer are analyzed, in parallel with the region’s tourism performance in the last decade compared with other regions of the country. Besides the intensity of tourism flows and quantitative characteristics, the study also extends on the qualitative characteristics. In addition, in the light of the geographical environment of tourism, the study highlights the special segments of North-Western Transylvania’s tourism offer, and comprehensively discusses the region’s territorial aspects. Based on the results, it may be inferred whether the region has the ability to meet the increasing challenges of tourism or not, and thereby to contribute to territorial development?


Author Biography

Lujza Tünde Cozma, Babes-Bolyai University

PhD student, Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, Cluj


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How to Cite

Cozma, L. T. (2012). North-West Transylvania’s Place and Role in Romania’s Tourism. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 9(02), 53–65. Retrieved from