Regional development policy in Romania, in the light of the 2007-2013 programming period


  • Anna Nagy Municipality of Cluj


Romania, regionalization, spending of structural and cohesion funds


In Romania the regional development policy in present in the public debate almost exclusively in relation to the spending of structural and cohesion fonds. Journalists, politicians and experts are trying in a more or less coherent mode  to offer cause-effect explanations. The present study tries to undergo this topic in a scientific manner, embedding the process of Romanian regionalization in a historical perspective. It analyses as well the roots of the problems related to the actual programming period and seeks for future possibilities of adjustment.

Author Biography

Anna Nagy, Municipality of Cluj

PhD, Deputy Mayor, Cluj


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How to Cite

Nagy, A. (2012). Regional development policy in Romania, in the light of the 2007-2013 programming period. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 9(02), 66–74. Retrieved from