For a sustainable Gheorgheni Microregion: paths of development and alternative strategies in a sustainable context


  • Hunor Bajtalan Babes-Bolyai University
  • Gabriella Blénessy Emerson
  • Attila Deák Kvantum Research
  • Tamás Szabó PONT


Gheorgheni Microregion, Gyergyószentmiklós, sustainable development, development directions


In the following case study four friends pledged themselves to present and share their ideas, desires accumulated over the years of their homeland. The task is not an easy one, because as we’ve all seen, despite the rich natural and culturo-historical endowment of the Gheorgheni Microregion, the new market oriented economical environment brought by the democratic transition favoured more the traditional core areas, the big cities and less the provinces and the countryside. In this context, even with the ever widening possibilities of a more and more integrated Europe and the rebirth of local energies, the Gheorgheni Microregion couldn’t take on a path of development and prosperity, but rather on one of continuous degradation and stagnation.

In the light of these circumstances the aim of this paper is to give an in depth analysis of the situation of the Gheorgheni Microregion through a holistic approach from a socio-economical perspective in a geographical context, nonetheless to identify the region’s problems and tranche it’s future prospects in the concept of sustainability. 

Author Biographies

Hunor Bajtalan, Babes-Bolyai University

PhD student, Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, Cluj

Gabriella Blénessy, Emerson

European Union expert, Emerson, Cluj

Attila Deák, Kvantum Research

sociologist, Kvantum Research, Cluj

Tamás Szabó, PONT

political scientist, PONT, Cluj


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How to Cite

Bajtalan, H., Blénessy, G., Deák, A., & Szabó, T. (2012). For a sustainable Gheorgheni Microregion: paths of development and alternative strategies in a sustainable context. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 9(02), 75–91. Retrieved from