Solar- and wind energy estimation in the area of Eger


  • János Mika Eszterházy Károly College
  • Edina Csabai Hungarian Meteorological Service Regional Centre
  • Attila Kovács Hungarian Meteorological Service
  • András Rázsi Hungarian Meteorological Service Regional Centre, Miskolc
  • Ildikó Wantuchné Dobi Hungarian Meteorological Service


solar energy, renewable energy sources


The examination is based on the CarpatClim database and the data of an unused station around in Eger. The authors examine the solar radiation and the wind speed. They present the annual standard deviations and the averages. In addition, they performed tests in the distribution station. There is significantly positive correlation between the two additional energy sources.

Author Biography

János Mika, Eszterházy Károly College



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How to Cite

Mika, J., Csabai, E., Kovács, A., Rázsi, A., & Wantuchné Dobi , I. (2014). Solar- and wind energy estimation in the area of Eger. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 11(02), 65–74. Retrieved from