Solar cadaster - a tool to increase the energy utilization ratio in the subregions and districts


  • Lajos Szalontai University of Miskolc


solar cadastre, solar energy, sustainable energy action plan, GIS


The continuous energy supply (both environmentally and economically) cannot be limited to the "traditional" energy utilization in the 21st century. In addition, it is necessary to increase the share of alternative energy sources for power generation. Several research surveys were carried out in this research field. The results show that the population knowledge, experience and skills are more and more important and that the municipal leaders, decision makers have more willingness to use renewable energy source eg. in the settlements and villages in private household appliances. Inspite of this, the economic data and economic background is poor. To make the replacement, the solar cadaster is the perfect tool. With GIS, it is an online information service with architectural, natural data. In this study, the author shows how these solar cadaster system can be established.

Author Biography

Lajos Szalontai, University of Miskolc

Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Institute of Geography-Geoinformatics


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How to Cite

Szalontai, L. (2014). Solar cadaster - a tool to increase the energy utilization ratio in the subregions and districts. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 11(02), 75–82. Retrieved from