The SMEs current loan options and preferences is Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county - results of a questionnaire survey


  • Zsolt Zsombori MKB Bank


SME, lending, B-A-Z county, capital structure, questionnaire survey


The Hungarian banks’ lending activity is a current question (according to the enterprises), so the National Bank of Hungary also keeps it in focus with the help of Növekedési Hitelprogram. In this paper the authors examine the BAZ county-based SME-s with a primary quantitative research. They examine the supported and the barried loan.

Author Biography

Zsolt Zsombori, MKB Bank

bank manager


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How to Cite

Zsombori, Z. (2014). The SMEs current loan options and preferences is Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county - results of a questionnaire survey. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 11(02), 90–105. Retrieved from