Opportunities for increasing efficiency by public utility organizations


  • György Kocziszky University of Miskolc
  • Mariann Veresné Somosi University of Miskolc


performance management, public service organizations, public economics, integrity


The result and expenditure based performance measurement and evaluation are much the same age in the private sector with the modern enterprise theory. It is enough to make an overview of the Anglo-Saxon and German literature between the two world wars, which pays significant attention on the economic and work organizational tools and methods of enterprise level performance measurement and improvement.

The public sphere and within this the issue of operational and economic efficiency measurement of public utility organizations has got a more modest past and methodological framework, although its significance is not smaller.

The authors in their research make an attempt to compensate it, when they make suggestions for the performance evaluation process and methods of public utility organizations.

Author Biographies

György Kocziszky, University of Miskolc

Professor, CSc, University of Miskolc, Faculty of Economics

Member of the Monetary Council, National Bank of Hungary

Mariann Veresné Somosi, University of Miskolc

Professor, CSc, Head of Institute of Management Science, University of Miskolc, Faculty of Economics


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How to Cite

Kocziszky, G., & Veresné Somosi, M. (2016). Opportunities for increasing efficiency by public utility organizations. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 13(02), 41–56. Retrieved from https://ojs.uni-miskolc.hu/index.php/stratfuz/article/view/3609