Where are the borders of good state? Ideas based on the article titled: “Defining the state audit’s monitoring aspects and focus areas of the state’s market regulating activity”

Köllödné –Vargha -Pulay (2016): Defining the state audit’s monitoring aspects and focus areas of the state’s market regulating activity. https://www.asz.hu/storage/files/files/Publikaciok/Elemzesek_tanulmanyok/2016/piacszerv_tanulmany.pdf?ctid=976


  • Bálint Tamás Varga State Audit Office of Hungary


audit, good state, public service, market regulation


The Hungarian state has undertaken several new tasks after 2010. It organize the public education, the water management, the mass transportation through auto buses, the chimney-sweeping, the school book allocation, and the tobacco commerce in a new organizational and responsibility structure, only mentioning some of the most sensible questions for the citizens.
The change of the state’s engagement has appeared in the national public policy debates in a special ideological frame. The basic question of this ideological frame whether the stronger engagement of the state into the market relations can be verified, and is effective. The State Audit Office of Hungary has made on attempt in his article to analyse the after 2010 more dominant new forms of state engagement in market regulation in connection with the historical forms of state activity, and to give aspects for the evaluation of public finances applied for these activities.

Author Biography

Bálint Tamás Varga, State Audit Office of Hungary

Assistant Auditor, PhD, State Audit Office of Hungary


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How to Cite

Varga, B. T. (2016). Where are the borders of good state? Ideas based on the article titled: “Defining the state audit’s monitoring aspects and focus areas of the state’s market regulating activity” : Köllödné –Vargha -Pulay (2016): Defining the state audit’s monitoring aspects and focus areas of the state’s market regulating activity. https://www.asz.hu/storage/files/files/Publikaciok/Elemzesek_tanulmanyok/2016/piacszerv_tanulmany.pdf?ctid=976. Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary, 13(02), 87–93. Retrieved from https://ojs.uni-miskolc.hu/index.php/stratfuz/article/view/3614