Sexual abuse of minors in the catholic church: USA and Europe

A comparative analysis of abuse reports


  • Balázs Puskás Senior Research Fellow, St. Stephen Institute, Hungary



Catholic Church, abuse, minors, clergy, religious personnel, reports.


The year 2002 marked a pivotal moment in the American Catholic Church when a scandal erupted in Boston, unveiling a systemic crisis of clerical sexual abuse. This event unleashed a tidal wave of revelations that rippled through the Church, shattering the prevailing facade of "business as usual" and exposing a hidden stream of abuse that had flowed beneath the surface for decades. This paper examines the profound impact of the Boston scandal on the Catholic Church, both in the United States and in Europe.

This study delves into four reports from Europe and the United States, shedding light on the extent of the issue in each region. It aims to bridge a gap in the literature by providing a comprehensive analysis of these reports, emphasizing that the problem is not exclusive to the Church but is a societal issue. The examined reports reveal varying rates of abuse and abusers across countries, highlighting the need for a broader societal approach to combat child abuse.

This research underscores the importance of confronting the issue transparently and acknowledges the critical role played by independent investigations, such as the John Jay Report. The data from these reports are essential in dispelling misconceptions and fostering a fact-based understanding of clerical abuse.

In conclusion, this comparative analysis examines key findings from reports in the United States, France, Germany, and Ireland, highlighting both similarities and differences.


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How to Cite

Puskás, B. (2023). Sexual abuse of minors in the catholic church: USA and Europe: A comparative analysis of abuse reports. European Integration Studies, 19(1).