Prison overcrowding in Poland and Hungary


  • Roksana Wszołek Assistant Department of Criminal Procedure, Faculty of Law and Administration, Jagiellonian University, Poland
  • Anita Nagy Professor, Department of Criminal Procedure and Correctional Law, Faculty of Law, University of Miskolc, Hungary



imprisonment, prison overcrowding, prison facilities


The aim of the article is to describe and discuss current problem in prisons’ system - overcrowding in prisons in Hungary and Poland. It is an essential problem which deserves an attention, prisons' overcrowding has been especially visible in these two countries, so it is eminently important to rise this problem in the dispute of doctrine and to try to solve it. This study contains both previous and present information, statistics, and position of international bodies on currently overcrowding of prison facilities. The legal regulations of these two countries are pretty similar, but there are still far away from perfection, that is why this article shows their advantages and drawbacks. The authors try to emphasize that overcrowding is a significant problem, they also offer some de lege ferenda ideas to resolve this alarming situation.


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How to Cite

Wszołek, R., & Nagy, A. (2023). Prison overcrowding in Poland and Hungary. European Integration Studies, 19(2).



Articles - Section II.