Child marriages - yesterday, today, tomorrow?


  • Suzana Kraljić Faculty of Law, University of Maribor, Slovenia



marriageable age, early marriage, education, health, poverty.


Child marriage is a formal or informal union involving a child or person under the age of 18. It is currently associated with violations of human rights, particularly the rights of children. The consequences of child marriage are long-term and relate to gender equality, health, and education, among others. Therefore, efforts are being made in national and international jurisdictions to eliminate harmful (traditional) practices. While individual countries have raised the marriageable age to 18, many still allow exceptions. Slovenia is one such example. In this article, the author analyzes the approach to the abolition of child marriage at the international and comparative law levels and is particularly critical of the current Slovenian regime. 


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Kraljić, S. (2023). Child marriages - yesterday, today, tomorrow?. Europäische Integrationsstudien, 19(1).