
  • European Integration Studies
    Évf. 19 szám 2 (2023)

    Section I. of volume of European Integration Studies was published as part of the Humboldt Research Group Linkage On the systematisation of criminal responsibility by and in enterprises with the support of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

  • European Integration Studies
    Évf. 19 szám 1 (2023)

    „The studies in this issue are published in partnership with Children's Rights Days 2022 and Ferenc Mádl Institute of Comparative Law.”

  • European Integration Studies
    Évf. 18 szám 2 (2022)

    Special Issues 1 and 2 of 2022 contain the conference papers of the international scientific conference “Invalidity Rules in the European Civil Codes” held on 3rd December 2021, as a part of Research Project No. K124797 with the support of NRDI Fund. 

  • European Integration Studies
    Évf. 18 szám 1 (2022)

    Special Issues 1 and 2 of 2022 contain the conference papers of the international scientific conference “Invalidity Rules in the European Civil Codes” held on 3rd December 2021, as a part of Research Project No. K124797 with the support of NRDI Fund.

  • European Integration Studies
    Évf. 17 szám 2 (2021)

    Section 1.  of the volume has been supported by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, National Research, Development and Innovation Office through the project NLP-08, titled “National Laboratory for Social Innovation”

  • European Integration Studies
    Évf. 17 szám 1 (2021)

    On 8 October 2020, the opening event Criminal and fine law responsibility of companies, especially in antitrust, data protection law and banking supervisory law, de lege lata and de lege ferenda of the institute partnership project On the systematisation of criminal responsibility by and in enterprises supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation took place, organized by the Universities of Heidelberg and Miskolc. This volume of European Integration Studies contains the published version of the contributions.

  • European Integration Studies
    Évf. 16 szám 1 (2020)

    A folyóirat célja, hogy az európai integrációs folyamat jogi, gazdasági, politikai és kulturális vetületeivel foglalkozó tanulmányokat közöljön.

  • European Integration Studies
    Évf. 15 szám 1 (2019)

    A folyóirat célja, hogy az európai integrációs folyamat jogi, gazdasági, politikai és kulturális vetületeivel foglalkozó tanulmányokat közöljön.

  • European Integration Studies
    Évf. 14 szám 1 (2018)

  • European Integration Studies
    Évf. 13 szám 1 (2017)

  • European Integration Studies
    Évf. 12 szám 1 (2016)

  • European Integration Studies
    Évf. 11 szám 1 (2015)