Fractures of the lower extremities in musculoskeletal rehabilitation unit from the point of view of patient educators


  • Beáta Mariann Demeter
  • Mária Dobosi



The investigation focused on the fact that it would be necessary to apply the patient education system that has been successfully operating in other countries for years in our country as well. The aim of the study was to support the importance and necessity of the patient education system in the musculoskeletal rehabilitation department. He explored the topic by interviewing twenty interviewees while studying the cases of patients with lower
limb fractures. The study focuses on this area because, according to the assumption, patients need the work of a patient educator, who helps them recover as a special specialist.

Summarizing the personal experiences of the patients participating in the study, appropriate conclusions were drawn, according to which it was established that the work of the patient educator can greatly help the patient in recovery.


