
Which journals on this site would you like to register with?
  • Design of Machines and Structures
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  • European Integration Studies
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  • Geosciences and Engineering
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  • Hungarian Materials and Chemical Sciences and Engineering
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  • Journal for Health Sciences
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  • Miskolci Jogi Szemle
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  • Multidisciplinary Sciences
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  • Production Systems and Information Engineering
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  • Publications in Applied Linguistics
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  • Publicationes Universitatis Miskolcinensis Sectio Juridica et Politica
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  • Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary
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  • Studia Iurisprudentiae Doctorandorum Miskolciensium
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  • Theory, Methodology, Practice – Review of Business and Management
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  • CECOL2024
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  • Mesterségesintelligencia‑kutatások a Miskolci Egyetemen
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  • Law, Identity and Values
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  • Central European Academy Law Review
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  • International Conference on Vehicle and Automotive Engineering 2022
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